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Liar! John Walters, National Drug Nazi

Submitted by David Borden on
Last night I was watching C span and the White house Drug Council was having one of their sit down lie fests trying to brain wash us and their puppet press into believing more of their lies. John Walters had the balls to sit there and say that there was not one person in the United States of America who was in Jail on marijuana drug charges. I beg to differ. I myself did three years in the state prison system in Oregon for growing Marijana. I befriended several other inmates in there who were in for the same thing..John Walters is a fuckinf liar! Plain and simple. He knows there are thousands of people incarcerated for many different drug crimes. He was just saying that because he was trying to pander to the liberal journalist there. Also,it is considered to be in the custody of the State when someone in on parole or probation. How many people have had their homes taken away? How many people lost the ability to find a decent job because past drug convictions? How many parents have had their children taken from them by swat type thugs who smash down your front door and terrorize you for exercising you god given right to take into your own body that which you see fit? Oh, I think it sucks ass that we all make such a big shitting deal out of a womans right to choose her own reproductive fate and allow her to have an unborn child scraped out of her womb, but god forbid that I would try to exercise those same rights of privacy and self determination when it comes to smoking and growning weed, or as a matter of fact any type of chemical I would choose to ingest into my body. Who in the hell ever gave my rights to these things away... I didn't and I am not ever going to do so. I would encourage anyone who wants to try drugs to do just that. The only thing negative and unpleasant I have ever experienced from any drug ; legal or illegal are the ass wipes who try to regulate and control my access to them.It drives up the cost and makes it hard to obtain high quality recreational drugs. For instance if meth were to be legalized and the manuffacture of it was decriminalized the market would be flooded. Instead of paying $180.00 for an eight ball of Crystal you would probably be able to get it for ten bucks. Now and eight ball would last the average meth head about five days. Ten dollars is cheap enough that a guy who pumps gas can afford to still be an addict and work at the same time. No stealing needed. As it is the prices are so high and the consequences so bad if you get caught the paranoia that comes with the meth high totally ruins what would acatually be a real fun experience. If you thought that i am kidding I am not. I know from experience, not some doctored up text book about what a real meth high is really supposed to be like. Most of the tweekers you see that are messed up are that way from alway's chasing after the bag, not just the dope. They are constantly looking around their shoulders expecting to get shook down by a cop. What fun is there in that? If they could just enjoy the high and have fun with it and not have to worry about all the attendant bullshit the law lays on them then maybe they would not be so paranoid. (DUH) In reality, if all regulations were removed and all illegal drugs were made accessable to anyone over the age of 21 the multi billion expense of the "WAR ON DRUGS" wouldn't exist. The Columbian drug cartels would be put out of business; OH SHIT! Can't have that, I forgot about the CIA and how they have their fingers in all that illicit income to fund their little secret covert un documented activities. I know that they do because I've found one of their stash spots. Big underground facility with a staff and everything. I and others have even video taped them getting their air drops of palats of cocain bundles. Right here in good ole The Dalles, Oregon.They even screwed up once and smashed a whole drop against the side of a mountain just at day break, wow, what a show that was. They came out of everywhere to clean that mess up! We video taped thast as well. That was back in 95'. Any way about the government and their regulations, I didn't ask them to keep me clean and sober and I am not going to get clean and sober just because a buch of high minded self apointed judjmental self serving politicians using this issue to get elected are dogging me.I don't use meth, by the way and I occassionally smoke a bowl. They can kiss my stoner ass. I will do every thing in my power ( which is pretty extensive considering I am not bound by their rules) to expand and propogate the use of every kind of legal and illegal substance for recreational and mind altering enjoyment. That means I will encourage everyone I have the chance to speak to to stand up, light up and declare your freedom from The White House Drug Council and its idiotic drug zar John Walters and all that bunch of dip shit psychologists that was there batting their eyes and trying to look intelligent and authoritarian while they spewed their lies and propaganda about how bad marijuana is. I will challenge anyone (just as Walters did) to come up with solid proof that any human being has ever died from consuming pot. Never happened! Never willl! The only people who have been killed or injured as a result of pot are the growers and dealers who have been murdered buy DEA and other COPS who always get portraid like they are some sort of hero. BULLSHIT! Hey folks I hate to tell you this--COPS LIE TOO AND THEY LIE A LOT! There used to be such a thing as fair play in this country, but not any more. A cop will make up shit and fabricate bits and pieces if irrelivent and unrelated information together and take it to a judge and get an illegal warrant in a heart beat. And the judge is usually the same one who will hear the suppression motion later on and guess what? DENIED! It's all rigged and the only way to get real justice with these twisted courts anymore is to just say fuck it and do what the hell you want and if a cop ever asks you to search your house, car or person, say NO. If they dog you about it and want to know why you wont consent to a search just tell them that its your right to have privacy and that you don't have to submit to his shit just because he is wearing a badge. You have a right to your privacy just as much as that hussy that cant keep her knees together long enough to keep out of that aborttion clinic. The right to privacy about you, your posessions, what you comnsume, who you screw, or who screws you, what you have inside your home, and what you share with others is nobody's fucking business. To the nazis at the national drug zars office I say: Get your filfthy stinking hands of my personl liberties! Keep your self righteous and self apointed power craving money hungry lying noses out of my personal and private business and do us all a favor and go kill your self; that would be justice for all the innocent lives that have been lost at the hands of your nazi agents.

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